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Testimonials - horse energy therapy

During his holidays in Saône-et-Loire, before his marriage, Dad was a riding instructor, notably with autistic children.

Hours spent together over jumps, in the forest or on the beach in Normandy as a kid, at the Haras de Jardy, the Ecole Militaire, the Etrier de Madrid or playing polo in Oxford, Dad always made sure to pass on his passion to me.


However, we had different approaches: what was driving me was not to try to force through but on the contrary "to connect with my horse", to "team up" and be able to ask for everything in confidence, with mutual respect.

Feeling this fusion in harmony, peace, joy is always at the heart of the pleasure I take in riding today.


What could be more obvious then, than to wish to put my gifts at their service, when I am sometimes led to feel their suffering? 

" Séverine Dubost is naturally at ease with horses. We appealed to her gifts, while one of our thoroughbreds was limping and a mare that we had brought to breeding had experienced several difficulties. Finally, we thought we would be parting with a very anxious horse that could only be ridden by very good riders.  

This period is over! "

" A horse ball pony at the club was very speedy and anxious (air swallowing, gastric complications). Séverine Dubost allowed him to reach a level of calm never seen before in a single energy session! "

"Our hunting mare had suffered a shoulder accident while tripping. Séverine's action accelerated her healing and then relieved her anxiety, as she had become very fearful."

"At the club, we had a very fearful horse, which no rider wanted to ride anymore: he swerved at the slightest bike, dog, car that passed...

Séverine's energy therapy allowed him to be well in his head again. Thanks !"

"We had brought to the club a young horse who turned out to be complicated in its stall: he bit, kicked, did not give his feet; he must have suffered trauma in the past and we were finally accepting it. However, in one energetic session with Séverine, all his misbehaviors disappeared!"

"We had acquired a mare which must have been drugged shortly before we could ride her and happened to be very difficult otherwise.

As a result: she could only fit experienced riders, who were not impressed notably by her kicks...

Séverine came several times to "clean" her on an energetic level. We had a hard time believing it could be the same mare at the end!"

"The energetic therapy that Séverine underwent with our mare had effects that we could not have imagined. She, who had been so stiff in her back for so long, could now take off at a gallop!"

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